éveìlleur is an independent perfume house from Croatia
We are based in Dalmatia,
an heavenly beautiful area with its unique coastline,
the azure sea, and waterfalls tumbling
over travertine into emerald pools.

Join us as we peel back the layers of this aromatic narrative,
delving into the meticulous craftsmanship and the profound artistry that defines éveìlleur
Meet the Perfumers

“The real goal is to touch people"
- Nathalie Lorson -

“One idea a year is enough, provided it’s the best”
- Olivier Cresp -
This is not merely another fragrance brand.
éveìlleur is a testament to the alchemy of capturing destiny in a bottle
inviting you to immerse yourself in the essence of a coastline reborn in every spray
The Heartbeat of Croatian Coast.